Here is the class outline:
1. WELCOME NOTES!Assalamualaikum w.b.t. & Hi guys! Im Nadia. The WHO/UNICEF 2008 Globe Report on Child Injury Prevention states that "Throughout 950 000 children and young people under the age of 18 die each year as a result of injury and violence, which is a leading cause of mortality among children and young people around the world. Every hour of every day, it equates to more than 100 children dying needlessly. Nearly 90% of these instances involve unintentional injuries, including those caused by car accidents, falls, burns, poisoning, and drowning. Road traffic accidents are the number one killer of 15 to 19-year-olds and the number two killer of 5 to 14-year-olds." -WHO So, come and join my class now! You will know how to manage emergency situation related to children specifically. 2 sections
2. TABLE 4This course is aimed to expose students to basic tools and equipment using in the first aid treatment. Besides, it also explains the procedure of treatment and other related injuries in basic human anatomy. It includes both theoretical and practical methods of study. 3 sections
3. CHAPTER 1:INTRODUCTIONCLO1:Explain principles and legal aspects in first aid course (C2) "1. INTRODUCTION TO FIRST AID 1.1 Definition of First Aid 1.2 First Aiders 1.3 Legal and Ethical Consideration 1.4 Good Samaritan Law" 7 sections
4. CHAPTER 2 : FIRST AID MATERIALSCLO1:Explain principles and legal aspects in first aid course (C2) "2. FIRST AID MATERIALS 2.1 Tools and equipment 2.2 Dressing 2.3 Bandage 2.4 Cold compresses" 6 sections
5. CHAPTER 3: ANATOMYCLO2:Use techniques of treatment to various wound and injuries (C3, A3, P4) "3. ANATOMY 3.1 Nerves system 3.2 Respiratory system 3.3 Circulatory system 3.4 Skeletal system" 6 sections
6. CHAPTER 4: WOUNDS AND BLEEDINGCLO2:Use techniques of treatment to various wound and injuries (C3, A3, P4) "4. WOUNDS AND BLEEDING 4.1 Blood vessels and bleeding 4.2 Type of bleeding 4.2.1 External bleeding 4.2.2 Internal bleeding 4.3 Shock 4.4 Embedded object 4.5 Bleeding from the scalp 4.6 Bleeding from the palm 4.7 Bleeding from the mouth 4.8 Bleeding from the nose 4.9 Bleeding from the ear 4.10 Cut and grazes 4.11 Bruising" 6 sections
7. CHAPTER 5: BASIC LIFE SUPPORT IN BABIES AND CHILDRENCLO3:Demonstrate the application of DRABC principle in choking treatment (C3) "5. BASIC LIFE SUPPORT IN BABIES AND CHILDREN 5.1 DRABC Principle 5.2 Rescue Breathing 5.3 CPR 5.3.1 CPR for infant 5.3.2 CPR for children 5.4 Choking 5.4.1 Chocking symptoms 5.4.2 Chocking treatment for infant and child 5.5 Recovery Position" 7 sections
8. CHAPTER 6: BURN AND SCALDSCLO2:Use techniques of treatment to various wound and injuries (C3, A3, P4) "6. BURN AND SCALDS 6.1 Types of burn 6.2 Degree of burn 6.3 Treating burns 6.3.1 General treatment 6.3.2 Burn to the mouth and throat 6.3.3 Electrical burns 6.3.4 Chemical burns to skin 6.3.5 Chemical burns to eye" 4 sections
9. CHAPTER 7: BONE, JOINT AND MUSCLE INJURIESCLO2:Use techniques of treatment to various wound and injuries (C3, A3, P4) "7. BONE, JOINT AND MUSCLE IN INJURIES 7.1 Definition of fracture 7.2 Types of fracture 7.3 Treating fracture 7.3.1 Broken leg 7.3.2 Broken arms 7.3.3 Broken ribs 7.3.4 Broken jaw 7.3.5 Broken cheek or nose 7.3.6 Broken collar bone 7.3.7 Back Injuries 7.3.8 Knee Injuries 7.4 Definition of dislocation 7.5 Treating dislocation 7.6 Sprains and strains" 7 sections
10. CHAPTER 8: TYPES OF POISONINGCLO2:Use techniques of treatment to various wound and injuries (C3, A3, P4) "8. TYPES OF POISONING 8.1 How poisons affect you? 8.2 Types of poisoning 8.3 Insect stings 8.4 Other bites and stings" 5 sections
11. CHAPTER 9: TRAUMACLO2:Use techniques of treatment to various wound and injuries (C3, A3, P4) CLO3:Demonstrate the application of DRABC principle in choking treatment (C3) "9.TRAUMA 9.1 Definition of trauma 9.2 Component of comprehensive trauma care 9.2.1 Primary Survey 9.2.2 Secondary Survey" 2 sections
12. CHAPTER 10: EFFECTS OF TEMPERATURECLO2:Use techniques of treatment to various wound and injuries (C3, A3, P4) "10. EFFECTS OF TEMPERATURE 10.1 Hypothermia 10.2 Heat exhaustion" 2 sections