Here is the class outline:
1. TOPIC 1: ETHICAL THEORIES AND PRINCIPLESThis introductory topic begins with ethics as a concept. It will differentiate ethics from morality and outline factors that contribute to the shaping of one's ethical values. It will also include some ethical principles. 3 sections
2. TOPIC 2: ETHICS IN THE CONDUCT OF BUSINESSThis topic discusses the ethical challenges commonly faced by business people in a corporate environment and elaboration on the 3 levels of decision-making. Furthermore that, the topic also differentiates between the concepts of ethical management and management of ethics. The topic also looks at developing a code of ethics as a way of promoting ethical corporate culture It then rationalizes the importance of considering the 3 dimensions of effective business decisions - economic, legal, and moral as a social responsibility in any business decision-making. 3 sections
3. TOPIC 3: ETHICAL LEADERSHIP AND CORPORATE CULTUREThis topic explores the concept of ethical leadership and examine the role of ethical leadership in creating an ethical corporate culture. 3 sections
4. TOPIC 4: CORPORATE GOVERNANCEThis topic looks at corporate governance which encompasses a broad spectrum of internal and external mechanisms intended to mitigate agency risk by increasing the monitoring of managements' actions, limiting managers' opportunistic behaviour, and improving the quality of firms' information flows. 3 sections
5. TOPIC 5: CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITYThis topic looks at definitions of stakeholders in the context of corporate social responsibility, types of stakeholders, and their stakes in a firm. Apart from that, this topic will explore the different forms of stakeholder theories. Then, it will look at the concept and nature of corporate social responsibility. Finally, it will look at two issues of corporate social responsibility: i) arguments in favour of a firm to be socially responsible, and ii) arguments against a firm to be socially responsible. 3 sections
6. TOPIC 6: COMMON ISSUES AT THE WORKPLACEThis topic covers the common issues occurring at the workplace, with a focus on the employee-employer relationship and their perspectives. Both employees and employers need to play their roles accordingly to ensure a constructive economic relationship for the benefit of all in the company. 3 sections
7. TOPIC 7: BUSINESS ETHICS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYThis topic looks at ethical and social concerns in information technology, various security threats of information technologies, and current ethical issues in information technology. 2 sections
8. TOPIC 8: MARKETING ETHICS AND CONSUMERISMThis topic looks at concept of marketing, theories of marketing ethics and also ethical issues in marketing such as ethical issues in product development, packaging and labelling, and also in pricing. 1 section