
Process writing is a part of academic writing. The writing process is a major emphasis in this course.
Process writing is a part of academic writing. The writing process is a major emphasis in this course. Students practice various strategies for generating and focusing ideas and for drafting, revising, and editing papers. They examine their individual writing practices, identify techniques that both help and hinder their writing, and reflect on the results of the choices they make.
Here is the class outline:
1. COURSE INFOHere is a course information of MPU2253 Process Writing 3 sections
2. UNIT 1CHAPTER 1 : BACKGROUND TO WRITING CLO 1 : Able to develop a paragraph into a short essay.(C2) CLO 2 : Able to organize complex arguments in writing, using theis statement, claims and evidence.(C2) Students will learn about : 1.1 The purpose of academic writing 1.2 Common types of academic writing 1.3 The format of long and short writing tasks 1.4 The Features of academic writing 1.5 Simple and complex sentences 1.6 Writing in paragraph 3 sections
3. UNIT 2CHAPTER 2 : READING CLO 1 : Able to develop a paragraph into a short essay.(C2) CLO 2 : Able to organize complex arguments in writing, using theis statement, claims and evidence.(C2) Students will learn about : 2.1 Finding suitable sources 2.1.1 Academic texts 2.1.2 Types of text 2.1.3 Using reading list 2.2. Developing critical approaches 2.2.1 Reading methods 2.2.2 Titles, sub-titles and text features 2.2.3 Fact and opinion 2.2.4 Assessing internet sources critically 2.2.5 Critical thinking 2 sections
4. UNIT 3CHAPTER 3 : AVOIDING PLAGIARISM CLO 1 : Able to develop a paragraph into a short essay.(C2) CLO 2 : Able to organize complex arguments in writing, using theis statement, claims and evidence.(C2) Students will learn about : 3.1 What is plagiarism 3.2 Acknowledging sources 3.3 Avoiding plagiarism 1 section
5. UNIT 4CHAPTER 4 : FROM UNDERSTANDING TITLES TO PLANNING CLO 1 : Able to develop a paragraph into a short essay.(C2) CLO 2 : Able to organize complex arguments in writing, using theis statement, claims and evidence.(C2) Students will learn about : 4.1 The planning process 4.2 Analyzing essay titles 4.3 Outlines 1 section
6. UNIT 5CHAPTER 5 : FINDING KEY POINTS AND NOTE-MAKING CLO 1 : Able to develop a paragraph into a short essay.(C2) CLO 2 : Able to organize complex arguments in writing, using theis statement, claims and evidence.(C2) Students will learn about: 5.1 Note-making 5.2 Finding key points 5.3 Finding relevant points 5.4 Effective note-making 1 section
7. UNIT 6CHAPTER 6 : PARAPHRASING CLO 1 : Able to develop a paragraph into a short essay.(C2) CLO 2 : Able to organize complex arguments in writing, using theis statement, claims and evidence.(C2) Students will learn about : 6.1 The elements of effective paraphrasing 6.2 Techniques for paraphrasing 1 section
8. UNIT 7CHAPTER 7 : REFERENCES AND QUOTATIONS CLO 1 : Able to develop a paragraph into a short essay.(C2) CLO 2 : Able to organize complex arguments in writing, using theis statement, claims and evidence.(C2) Students will learn about : 7.1 Why use references 7.2 Citations and references 7.3 Organising the list of reference 1 section
9. UNIT 8CHAPTER 8 : ORGANISING PARAGRAPHS CLO 1 : Able to develop a paragraph into a short essay.(C2) CLO 2 : Able to organize complex arguments in writing, using theis statement, claims and evidence.(C2) Students will learn about : 8.1 Paragraph structure 8.2 Linking paragraphs together 1 section
10. UNIT 9CHAPTER 10 : INTRODUCTIONS AND CONCLUSIONS CLO 1 : Able to develop a paragraph into a short essay.(C2) CLO 2 : Able to organize complex arguments in writing, using theis statement, claims and evidence.(C2) Students will learn about : 10.1 Introduction contents 10.2 Introduction structure 10.3 Opening sentences 10.4 Conclusions 2 sections